Shared ramblings/ findings

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Paperphone running Android, Future of Smartphones?

Paperphone running Android, Future of Smartphones?: "

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The innovative team at Human Media Lab have pulled of some Sci-Fi wonders by creating the Paperphone which is functional, running Android using “bend gestures” to navigate and operate. The Paperphone can make calls, run apps like the music player to play tracks, read eBooks, plus more. Additionally, they demonstrate it being worn on the wrist and operated by touch; alternatively when laid flat it can accept input from a stylus. The display uses eInk, the same technology used in the Kindle, plus it has sensors in the back to detect bend gestures from users.

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Paperphone Paperphone Snaplet Paperphone Snaplet with Stylus

The research team say this thin film phone will make the current smartphone obsolete in 5-10 years… do you agree? Comment below!

This content was originally posted at

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