Shared ramblings/ findings

Monday, December 6, 2010

Balancing Sweetness and Bitterness of life

Hari Jumat-3rd December 6.00 am : bangun pagi, dan semangat karena mau nonton konser U2 sore ini.

9 .00am: sampai di kantor, baca berita tentang penyiksaan Papuans oleh Kopasus – Sedih and Hopeless rasanya,sedih karena masyrarakat sudah berjuang selama bertahun2 , dan masih aja disiksa ( Nenek ku bungkuk karena dipukul gagang senjata Kopasus) . Hopeless karena meskipun Australian government meminta pemerintah Indonesia untuk bertanggung jawab, tapi tuntutan seperti ini sudah terjadi sebelumnya, dan sampai sekarang penyiksaan belum berakhir

19.00 : semangat nonton Jaz C -U2 opening , Bahagia karena Jaz C nge-remix lagu fav Punjabi MC-Mundian te bache ( kalo ada lagu itu, I take it as sign of a great night)

22.00 : Feeling hopefull di tengah2 U2 concert, Bono mengajak audience bersyukur atas pembebas Aung San Suu Kyi, dan bersama Amesty International akan tetap memperjuangkan Human Right.

Hari Sabtu – 4th December ALL DAY: Defeated. I feel defeated to injustice, and the rich will always be above the law. I went on facebook or twitter, and I got sick of everyone status/tweet contains”ME… MY…MINE” . JEEZZZZ…. When are you going to start to help everyone?

Hari Minggu –5th December 12.30 – HAPPY, BLESSED, HOPEFULL-another feeling in my heart was Warmth and assurance that everything will be all right. Tunanganku dibaptis, Romonya bilang dia dibaptis karena bimbingan holly spirits ( aku selalu merasa kalo dia mau dibaptis, karena syarat ku ), tapi my heart jumped and rejoice when I heard that statement, so it was Holly Spirit’s doing after all.

Today – 13.00 – Heart Broken – My friend sent the video of the torture

13.30 –Courage – I forward the link to my BB contacts, post the link on my FB page

15.00 – Reading my fiance’s status ‘Life is good! :) Hope you are all enjoying the sweetness as much as the bitterness’- from my weekend experience, the balance of enjoying the sweetness as much as the bitterness is to keep the hope alive.

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